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Dr. AnnaBurrows - Medical Specialist in Gynaecology


We usually confirm your initial, and any follow up appointments by SMS.

At the time of booking for your first appointment, we send an SMS link for ONLINE REGISTRATION.

Please complete the link to ensure we have all your correct details.

This is a specialist practice so a referral from your general practitioner is essential.

The online link allows you to add the referral if you have it.

If you do not have the referral (some doctors send it to us directly) then please call us on 07 38311877 to ensure we have it.

What to bring to your appointment?

  • Bring all your ultrasound scan and x-ray reports and films
  • Your personal contact details, your Medicare card and your Private Health Fund details(if applicable)
  • Any other medical information, history, or blood test results that may be relevant to your health care

To cancel or postpone an appointment, we appreciate 24 hours’ notice, so someone requiring care can have your appointment time.